Sunday, September 19, 2010

Freshwater Croc

This painting of a freshwater croc was the first painting that I put on public display.  The Ipswich Art Society had an exhibition that was associated with the travelling art work “Three Well Know Australians” by Martin Shaw. 
Martin Shaw’s painting travels the countryside and people are asked to guess who is represented in the painting, write it down in diaries that become part of the exhibition.
The Three Well Known Australians Exhibition, along with lots of art works by the members of the Ipswich Art Society, received little publicity. This was due to the fact that the local papers did not publish the fact that the exhibition was on.  The President of the IAS had given the local newspaper the story and had even been photographed. 
The newspaper published the story the following week, and the paper came out about same day that the Three Well Known Australian Exhibition was due to close. 
IAS kept the exhibition open for an extra day.

This painting floated from the back to the front of our house during the flood of Jan 11, 2011. The painting still survives and I smile at the fact that my painting of a crocodile actually went for a swim in water!!!

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