Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Starting Out

I now had this passion to paint.  What did I need?  Where was I to go to get art instruction?  I could not afford the time to go to classes or be away from home for long periods of time.
The answer presented itself in books, VHS tapes and DVDs borrowed from the local library.  The local library was a godsend as it showed me the way, having a very large section of books devoted to all forms of arts and crafts.
I watched an ‘old fashioned’ VHS library tape, by a Queensland artist Val Osbourne. Val has been teaching art at TAFE colleges for many years and had produced a series of tapes on painting in oils and acrylics.  I really liked his style of teaching.  I searched on the Internet to see if I could buy a Val Osbourne set of instructional DVDs.
Val Osbourne lives in Queensland, Australia and I found his local art group in Mackay.  I sent an email off asking if I could get in contact with the artist.  The secretary of the art group, was more than helpful and passed my request on to Val.  I finally contacted Val and he put me in contact with his local media production company.
The wonderful world of art was opening up for me.  I watched all the DVDs (I had bought about a dozen), and absorbed all the art instruction like a sponge.
I was on my way.

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