Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spooky Bat

Spooky Bat...this painting was done in oils, which makes it one of my older art works, but as I am still flood affected, (see some of my prior blogs) and have not put paint to canvas in the last four months, I am putting some of my 'old' art works on this blog...not that this art work is really old!

This bat is the only one in Australia that is carnivorous, and for that reason alone I just had to paint it.  (I am an old fan of vampire movies, so a bat that eats flesh is kinda spooky!)

There is no rabies in Australia, so one does not have to be scared of bats or any other non venomous animal biting you.  Of course Australia has most of the venomous snakes in the world so we make up for not having rabies in the animal population. (Grin!)

1 comment:

  1. Very good painting Paul. Maybe I'm crazy, but I see a view of earth from space in the wings. The contrast of greens and blues make it look, at least to my eyes, like the bat is carrying a part of earth with him/her. Was this intentional?
