Thursday, April 28, 2011

Judging an Art Competition

Judging - in Art Competition would have to be one of the most difficult jobs in the world.

I have read a number of articles on different methods of judging art work, but really "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder", and I am sure that every artist who enters an art competition thinks that their entry should win.

Some of the winners of art competitions look like the judges have picked a winning artist's name out of a hat.  The finalists in one art competition, (which will remain nameless) which I saw recently, had many great and good paintings, but the winning entry was awful.  I think that a child could have given a better result than what was shown.  The winner also received a great big fat check for a large amount of money!   Now that was my view, but the next person to look at the winner might think that it is a great work of art!

One art show just closed and I was happy to see the people's choice had sold for a good sum of money, and that I thought that the painting was great.  I did notice that the winner of this art show did not sell.

This brings up the question of whether an artist paints for the sale of artwork or just paints for themselves...I am sure that there is no easy answer to this question.

Are there any art competition judges out there who would like to comment?

1 comment:

  1. Are there any art judges out there? I would love to hear for a person who has judged an art comp and would be willing to share the way or their system for judging.
