Monday, April 18, 2011

The Eyes of Saint Matthew

This painting had a very interesting and short life.  I was asked by an old friend of mine to paint in icon painting of Saint Matthew.  This friend of mine is a minister of religion and was happy to have the painting, which is larger than just the face I have shown here.  I finished the painting and posted it off to him and he hung it on his wall. 
Then my friend was robbed by two young religiously trained, but drunk thieves.  My friend came back from shopping to find a truck parked in his driveway and the robbery in progress.  The police were called and the robbers were caught in the act. 
My friend noticed that where the icon had been on the wall was now two crisscross knife marks and the painting was missing!  When questioned, by my friend and the police - the robbers admitted that the eyes of Saint Matthew were following them around the room.  They had cut the painting off the wall and jumped on it – totally destroying it.  My friend did say to the police that he wanted to have them charged.
I am somewhat pleased and sad (at the destruction of the artwork), but I am happy that the eyes in the painting pricked their consciences and provoked such a reaction!

1 comment:

  1. The Eyes have it Paul. Can't wait until you are able to start painting again
