Friday, May 10, 2013

Midnight Ramble - a medical poem

Midnight Ramble by Paul Howlett


Returned, a re-tread

Returned to bed

Sent home

Exit from hospital

Gall bladder removed

Guts improved

All is right

All is wrong

My side started

To bleed…

Was it red, no no

It was green

I ask why it is so

The bile is on go

The guts are all wrong

Return to the source

Return to the place

Return to the hospital

There to face

Repair of the first

Wheeled off to the op room

But wait…

Patients are there

Tis very late

The op room was busy

Returned, I had to wait

Till 3 am for my surgeon
To put things straight.

This is a little poem I wrote after spending some time in hospital in the last ten days.  I am now well on the way to recovery.


  1. One week later and I am still in the longer process of recovery, it seems that I still need more procedures to fix a microscopic hole somewhere in my digestive system.

  2. We all need you well Paul!!! You are so creative and talented. Best wishes on your recovery.
