Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rosewood Flood - an abstract of grief

This abstract was painted when my wife and I were staying in a rental property at Rosewood (Queensland - Australia), as our house at the time was being renovated from the flood damage of 2011.

This was one of only a couple of abstracts I painted at that time.


  1. Makes me think of a life in turmoil. The jumbled swirls of red give me the feeling of random bursts of anger. Perhaps the blue designs are representations of the flood water that caused the distress. What do you think?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was very stressed at the time I painted this abstract, and my feelings of anger and grief have shown through in the general “impact” of my brush strokes and choice of color. My wife and I spent nine months in a rental while our home was refurbished after the Queensland floods of 2011.
